I've decided to follow
Laura's example and show my eggshells painting that I mentioned in the last post, as a work in progress, but do be aware, anyone who may take this as a step-by-step watercolour class, that it may go awry at any moment! I intended building layers of clean glazes to create subtle colour variations, but I already haven't been able to resist mixing some local colour and slapping it on. Above is the initial glaze of yellow ochre, with a little burnt sienna, with some shadow areas of burnt sienna with ultramarine mix. I lifted highlights out in places with a 'thirsty' brush and paper towel.

When that was completely dry I added more shadow washes, trying to vary them with the slight mauve and yellowish tinges I kept seeing. Those shadow/reflections in the foreground are really very dark against the plate and shells, so the next stage is taking some bold steps with a strong shadow mixture. I'm undecided whether to paint the plate as it is - an intricate cutout design around the edge, or leave it quite plain, which I probably should have thought about before I began. Any advice welcome!
Hi Cathy. This is coming along great: I really love the softness and variety of your neutrals, and how you're using warm for the outside, cool for the inside. I really like the plate as it is now--and the very faint color puddled in the bottom of the dish; I'd only say if you're unsure, don't so anymore to it until you've gone further with the eggs: then it'll be easier to see if you need to ... (I should take my own advice).
Thanks Laura - I fear it is too late, I may have already wrecked it (put on some heavy darks after posting this)... I'm at the panic-stricken all-is-lost stage, but will hopefully see it with new eyes in the morning...
So far it's looking beautiful... I'll check back to see. I find I usually like things better in the morning.
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