Well the Fair is finally over - a sigh of relief and a slight feeling of emptiness as the pressure of the last weeks is lifted. My
Chicken series sold, and two of the
Pavement women scenes, and one
Jacaranda, with possibly two more after a night or two of sleeping on the thought, so I had a good day. Very little else was sold, sadly, as there was some excellent art on show, at I think reasonable prices. As I've said

before, I think

a church arts fair won't generally attract big art buyers - unless word gets around and next time (if there is one), they'll come flocking in. I think the familiarity of these scenes, plus their small size and relative prices, worked quite well at this particular show. My favourite bit about it all was
meeting and chatting to some of the other artists - somehow
or other I haven't had that opportunity at other exhibitions - I suppose because I've never 'baby-sat' my work before all through the showing. Some interesting information and contacts were swopped and I'm quite excited to be not quite as on my own in

this part of the world as I have been for a long time - many of my past partners-in-art have left Johannesburg for greener pastures over the years - it's high time I found some new ones!
Love your chicken paintings, but they are wonderful subjects, aren't they? A mass of colour and texture!
You're right - it is lovely making contact with other artisits. That's what I'm findng so great about Blogger - all those other creatives out there, suddenly just a 'comment' away!
Oh well done, C. Gosh you have worked hard on this. I would've loved to have been there and seen all the work. Your display must have looked great. And the added benefit/pleasure of meeting other creative people.
Thanks Lynne - chickens are a great subject, but I need to find some live models!
The blogging community is terrific - has really changed my life to be part of it. I was so excited when I discovered it!
I should have taken a photo of the display Gillian - it did look bright and cheerful. I didn't put the angels up though - suddenly felt too attached and the price I could've charged didn't seem worth all the effort! (so maybe you'll get one for your tree one day ;o)
Yay! :OD
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't..next time your audience will be different! And I keep forgetting to say how much I like your picture, is't nce seeing you!
Congrats Cathy! I love your chicken series...I would have hated to part with them! Sounds like you had a great day with both sales and contacts. Thumbs up!
Sounds like a very successful outing, on all counts. Congratulations on the sales--I'm not at all surprised; your paintings are so vivid, so strongly painted, no matter the subject.
hi, thanks for the visit. I love your work too, those ladies on the side of the road are WONDERFUL! You also have some really cool links on your sidebar, i have spent the past hour happily surfing from one to the other!
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