I've been playing with some presents I bought myself on holiday - a few Daniel Smith watercolours from the Italian Artshop which stocks this brand that I've read about and wanted for years, not least because of the generous size tubes they come in...makes you feel a little less Scrooge-like about squeezing a dollop onto your palette with our poor Rand diving ever deeper into a hole; and a very reasonably priced Black Silver Dynasty 'dagger' shaped brush from Artsauce in Observatory, an artist-friendly shop in both price and helpful advice. I love the shapes and marks you can make with this brush, from broad flat stripes to pointy or swirly leaf shapes, to fine, sharp lines, it doesn't hold a lot of paint though so you have to dip often.

Hanging on a line in my (messy) studio here are offcuts of bits of watercolour paper that I've kept - very useful for playing around on and happy moodling!
Has anyone else caught onto the 'Word of the year' WOTY phenomenon? Suddenly it seems to be everywhere, with several creative mentorship sites promoting it as a creative spur or focus. I think I've decided on mine... FUN... which seems rather trivial, flighty and frivolous, but for some time I've been feeling a tad anxious and weighed down by what should or shouldn't be done and where I ought, or ought not to be artistically and otherwise, and the state of the nation, and that's the word that has jumped out at me from various sources. So I think I'll take it and see where it leads to. Would love to know yours if you have one!
Hi, Cathy, thank u for sharing wonderful info and a post! Re DS, I got all the famous watercolor aritsts' sample colour use from a art supply shop. I tried them ALL and decided to choose my own colours beforer investing money in it. It was a great help to study other artists' colour use and explore my own colours. xxx Sadami
Delightful post ! I love how you paint people...
Fun and play is also my goal this year...Too many things to make us anxious around us...
Wish you a very Happy and Creative New Year, Cathy
Hi Sadami - I did try two of those famous artist sample cards before choosing colours that I didn't already have something similar from other brands. Slowly I will replace them. I wonder if you use DS only or mix brands? Thanks for your helpful reply! xxx
Happy New Year to you too Martine, I'm glad you'll be having some fun too... at least as far as artmaking goes anyway! So nice to hear from you :-)
Hi Cathy! I e-mailed you at the address on the home page of your blog. . . it's related to Urban Sketchers! If you didn't get the message, please write to me at uskeditorial@gmail.com. Thank you!
- Tina Koyama
Love your figures. Have fun in 2016!
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