As December has suddenly lurched into reality, I've changed direction and focus once again to thinking about the 'adornment' of our church for Christmas. A friend is getting married there too in two weeks time, so I'm adding to the existing papercut hangings (which she and some other friendly hands helped me to cut some years ago) to make a wedding-theme banner to cover the bare back of the piano. The sketch above is work-in-progress - I am about to start the neck and shoulder straining task of cutting this morning. The motifs are basically of the Tree of Life, with God's hand reaching down as the roots, to the crossed hands of the man and woman within a circle/ring. On either side of the tree is a river, referring to Ephesians 5: 25- 33 about marriage, and I think I will add a wineflask or jug between the water and the vines as a reference to the wedding feast where Jesus turned the water into wine... never quite sure if my creative efforts are theologically sound, but so far noone has raised any objections!
I was inspired by the amazing work of
Nancy Chinn, and her book
'Spaces for Spirit' to take the decoration of our little church beyond the usual candles and poinsettia - albeit on a much smaller scale. It is quite a commitment, and I do find it a little daunting to come up with new ideas for all the repeated seasons and festivals - pressures of The Artist in the congregation...
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