I wrote a post about my dog,
Gucci and cat, Kenzo way way back, in which I tried to explain the ineptness of my drawing, by saying that Kenzo DID have a flopped-over ear, really, it wasn't just that I couldn't fit it on the page... then recently, it dawned on me that her ear was quite alright again, and was standing up as cat's ears should. I thought no more about it until an article in the Sunday Times by someone whose cat suddenly developed a flopped-over ear. Googling the malady, as one does, alarmed him so much that he whisked her off to the vet post haste. The vet revealed that after a number of similiar cases in the Johannesburg area, they had been, as a profession, puzzled and without diagnosis. Until one day, a client reported witnessing his cat returning from her nocturnal patrols, over their electric-fenced boundary wall. Her ear touched one of the wires, yowling and indignant, she flew into his kitchen window, sporting a newly flopped-over ear... which, after the nerves had recovered from their assault, righted itself in due time. Such are the perils of a pet in this city...

This is Gucci the weimeraner's stock position whenever we are on our verandah, braaing (barbequeing in case anyone still hasn't heard the SA term yet...), usually on a Sunday. He lies in exactly the same spot, facing the same North-Westerly direction and stares intently into the far distance, until we move inside. We've speculated that perhaps he's hearing the ancient call of his wolverine ancestors up there in Canada, or the howl of a Namibian jackal, or maybe he just saw a rat or lizard disappear into that corner of the garden once and is waiting for it to pop out again, this time he'll be ready... who knows what goes on in a dog's head?

This is my husband BFG - doing some handyman work and relaxing with the paper while the boerewors sizzles on the fire.
Lovely! Wish we could pop over and join you for a Sunday afternoon braai!
Kenzo on deck chair makes me miss our Lily. Did I tell you about the two cats up for adoption at the pet store? Their names - Dudley and Donald!! I was ready to take one of them home... They were both so sweet pawing at me through the bars of their cages.
Ahhh! It's a wonderful drawing of BFG! What was he so worried about?Yes, I want to call around too. Love to Gucci and Kenzo and the BFG.
Well I sure wish you both could too - it's often just us these days :o( I don't know that he was worried particularly (though he'd give you a list as long as your arm if you asked), but our faces in relax mode tend to look like that lately!
I meant why didn't he want you to DRAW him before?! He looks so distinguished. See my post today of John and Philip to understand worry about posing. A friend was told this week that if she painted her friends' portraits they might become her enemies.
Ohhhh - well I've done plenty of horror sketches of him, believe me. Gee that's harsh - to your friend! I am a bit scared to draw friends I must say... family have to forgive you, but friends might take serious offence!
This chat reminds me of a lunch with some ladies from our church. We were talking about art and Lady P said "Ahm busy paintin' a picture of a lady, but Ahm stuck on her fayce... Ah ca-yant decaad what kaahnd of fayce to give herrr." So her friend Lady L - without missing a beat said "Paiyant her from the BAAYACK, that way ya don' hafta worrreee about whaaat her faayce looks laaak."
(It was my best laugh of the day!)
You do the most wonderful illustrations of your pets. Really quite beautiful. Also love our life drawings. Glad to know Kenzo's ear is back to normal, hee hee. That was an interesting story. Poor kitties.
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