There is a fun thing happening over about.painting... A Tribute to Beryl Cook forum discussion where everyone is invited to submit a self-portrait 'in the spirit of ...if not the style of.... Beryl Cook'. A fitting way to honour an artist who gave so much fun to so many, I think. My mind immediately started skipping around, and after some false starts, I came up with this double portrait of my husband and me - a typical evening scene at home, and a title with a double-meaning... thanks to his excellent cooking skills and enthusiasm, I can indulge more in my favourite pasttime... I thought I gave ourselves Beryl-esque proportions, but think I could have gone even chunkier than I have. You really appreciate the skills of another artist when trying to follow their style - in spite of fairly simple looking paintings, her attention to detail was amazing.
Hail to the chef!! Would love to be in that kitchen with ya'll supping (and sipping ;D...!!) on BFG's culinary creations while browsing CPG's artistic ones first hand...
Must go and look at that web site.
Back from Savannah after an utterly exhausting, rushed and intense trip. But we do have a GRADUATE in the house! Lots of love XXXOOO
(Did Beryl ever visit the States, great material over here for her...)
This is a wonderfully Cook-esque confection!! An especially good portrait of our favourite chef...and a fitting tribute to Beryl.
Welcome back GPH - and well done to the Graduate - we are proud! I don't know if Beryl went to the States... must check her website.
Thanks V - I keep thinking of more BC-type situations it would be fun to do, but I won't plagiarise her further. I thought I didn't get a good likeness of me - BFG IS quite - but every now and then I glimpse it sideways and recognise myself! - euurghh!
Oh, I really love this Cathy...there is so much life in that kitchen, I wouldn't mind being even only a fly there. Well done.
She had such energy in her work. This looks challenging, maybe I'll give it a try too.
Oh please do, Ronell! - would love to see what you come up with - I did enjoy doing this, and there are so many other possibilities...
Oh my gosh, this is an absolutely wonderful piece. I love all the details and personality and movement and warm color and happiness it exudes. It's a perfect illustration of contentment to me. I wasn't familiar with her work before and though I enjoyed seeing the artwork on her website, with all due respect to her, I enjoyed yours much more!
Gee thanks Jana - I am blushing :) She was a true original though, and a great sense of humour
Cath that is just such fun - made me chuckle aloud. When we were travelling I saw so many postcards of her work.......and saw a wonderful (old) interview with her on BBC
Hi Jill! I bought a bunch of her postcards years ago and never sent them out, which I'm glad about now - would love to see that interview - apparently she was very shy and reclusive - didn't give many.
She ran a pub and in the interview said she just loved watching the charaters who frequented her establishment and only ever painted people having fun
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