i) I don't like masking fluid
ii) very precious about using all my new watercolours up on this project
iii) This is like drawing storyboards all over again ( in a previous life in advertising)
iv) I don't like tracing and careful outlines... I like loose! I like free!
v) Can I paint township scenes when I don't live in a township?
vi) Life isn't this ecstatic in the townships
vii) but sometimes it is, against all odds
viii) Things don't turn out the way you think they will
There - an exclusive look inside the intricate workings of my creative mind. Back to the drawing board/s!...

...very bright drawing boards - and BIG, on half-sheets Fabriano - no subtleties here!
Hi Cath - thinking of you as beaver through this project. From my point of view, it looks very exciting; I can't wait to see the finished works. Hang in there! Sounds like you've learnt a LOT about how you like to work and that is important. Perhaps you should think of this experience like birthing pains. The end result will be so worth it.
I just realized (dah) that the bottom trio ARE complete! But I can't make them pop up bigger? Can you post them so we can see more clearly?
Are you totally exhausted?
Oh no - not duh, they still have a way to go... but I'm really tired - of making little decisions as much as anything. There's a LOT to be said for a limited palette! Hoping to finish by Friday... will put bigger, clearer ones on then. I can't make that one pop up either :-?
These are really wonderful; and thanks for showing the one in progress--it's amazing to see it emerge. Enjoy your musing too! I don't like masking fluid either. And, I think you definitely should paint the townships, because you paint them with such love! ;-)
Thanks Laura - I appreciate some egging on now with the last haul to the finish!
Ag shame, you poor darling. This sounds like such hard work. Well done; they are looking great and I am sure your client will be overjoyed. And that you can decide whether you want to do more or not, rather than face it as a chore.Really, the life and charm in them is going to make them very special indeed. Lots of love.
...a tea break with some sympathy included - Thanks :o) Ja, at this stage I'm kind of dreading that he might want six more! I should have started off simple...
These are wonderful! So much action, so many bright colors. I think they are perfect, but I think you are right. Real life is not this happy all the time. But you did a spectacular job of making it all look like you had observed it just this way.
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