Haven't had much time to paint as the pesky housework is screaming at me again, but dashed outside for a few minutes to try my new Aquash brush with my old
Neocolor II Aquarelle crayons on the petunia bed (would anyone know why the dark purples and pinks are flourishing, while the white one had a single lonely flower then closed up shop? It looks healthy, but no blossoms.) These crayons are great for sketching, but have quite a cloudy, milky look when washed over, especially in densely coloured areas, so I don't think I'd use them on a major project. Or maybe I just haven't been patient enough with them - must stop scribbling and spend some quality time...?
I did another rather frenetic sketch, vaguely based, from memory, on the
July virtual sketch date of sunquats, but when I checked the reference, it's of course nothing like it, apart from orangey orbs - and I remembered one had a shadow of a leaf on it, which just looks like a slip of the hand on mine! But the yellows and oranges of the crayons are nice and clear and bright.

Is anyone else having trouble with their blog lists? - insteading of giving me my list of updated blogs in order of most recent down, there's just the list, and the links take you to Feedburner first from where you have to click on the blog you want - so extremely annoying, and does not incline me to want to subscribe to Feedburner one little tiny bit! Does anyone know what to do about it? I have put a question on Blogger Help... He-eee-elpp!!
That Blog List problem seems to be fixed again - but it has come and gone a few times over the last couple of days....
My blogging is way behind and very simple, so sorry,no help from me. I like the petunias. Nice depth of colour and very dancey. I once had those stripey strong ones, and the pinks and purples went crazy too. They were like creepers.White is supposed to be the colour they'd revert to from seed, but it would not necessarily mean they were as vigorous. Found my spring bulbs in the wine-fridge! Probably a bit late to plant??
That list has vanished completely at the moment... >:o(
I found a packet of spring bulbs too - I guess it's worth a shot sticking them in a pot, they might just think it was a really long cold winter and be aching to burst out!
Your petunias are vibrant with colour and movement. I like the milky look here and there; gives them an old fashioned appearance. We now have a second fridge, so I may put some bulbs in there... Not much drawing going on here. Calvin is sick and I'm wondering if he's on his way out... he is 12 - poor old doggie. Lots of laundry to do as he keeps urping on things.
Oh poor little Calvin - maybe needs a change of diet, to 'elderly' dog food? Give him a gentle pat from Joey's.
Talk about being frazzled--I thought I left a comment on this post, but I guess I messed up somehow! I love the intense color of these sketches and the way the "patterning" goes to all four edges.
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