This time of year gets hectic, doesn't it? I haven't had time to sketch or paint anything, let alone blog about it, so I flipped through my sketch journal to try and find something vaguely festive looking... and came up with this!... well, it has red and green in it, and it's hot, which is the way Christmas-time is in these parts. In May last year, we went on a canoeing trip down the Orange River, which was a great/humbling/soul-searching experience. I wish I could have sketched all the way, but my sketchbook would have been papiermaché by the end of the trip - we had so many dunkings and stuck-on-the-rocks-in-the-rapids moments. On the way home we stopped at this little store on the edge of the
Kgaligadi Park - it was a metal shipping container, converted into a shop for local produce - and bought lovely dried fruit and honey.
Wishing everybody who pops in here, a very happy and blessed Christmas, Chanukah or family holiday time together, however you celebrate it. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I hope to have some sketches and paintings to show for the time away. Happy happy!!
This is a happy painting--I love the spiky plants. It is hard to find time for everything--I just got my tree up today, very late for me!
I've really enjoyed following your blog and "chatting" with you over the last year--I remember it was last Christmas, when I was in Key west, when you first commented on my blog! Best wishes to you and yours this holidays and for Peace on Earth for all of us everythere!
Cathy, I have read several posts on your blog and will come back to read more. I love your colorful sketches! You are so good at capturing the figures, the tomato sellers sketch is so detailed. You know, the kids here wear their pants that way, too, but I see it less and less. Aaarrrggghhh!
What a pretty sketch! That must have been a fun visit. Happy Holidays to you! Please send some sunshine; we had an official blizzard yesterday and the temp is nine below zero (F) and the windchill is 36 below zero. No travel advised, but shoveling sidewalks is mandatory! It is wonderful to think about it being summertime where you are.
Andrea (MN/USA)
Merry Christmas dear sustertjie. Wish we could celebrate the season a little closer to ya'll. I love this little sketch - but it does cause me more pangs of homesickness. Hope you have a wonderful time in Arniston; looking forward to the sketches...
Laura, it's been such a pleasure watching your blog too and exchanging thoughts - a year already! Peace on Earth indeed...
Thanks, Deborah - thanks for your visits, I've enjoyed your happy art too.
Andrea, I thought of you when I saw the blizzards on CNN weather! Stay warm and safe!
Gin, ah, this time of year always makes me a bit sad (in between the happy bits!) because of being so far away from my sussies and their families - Merry Christmas to all of you - will be sending sunny seasidey thoughts to you from Arniston.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all!!! I'm going to try and crack how to do a post while I'm away, but if not, see you in 2009 :o)
Happy, happy Christmas, Cath, and all your blogging community. We will think of you in beautiful Arniston - painters' paradise and with happy memories of Christmas together a few busy years ago... remember the strange sea surge two days after the Tsunami? Have a great rest and a wonderful time.
Hands full here, but so happily so, with all my 'chinoos'
And to you, dearest V!! Enjoy your lovely gathering from all over the place, especially those two little boys - they will make Christmas magical for you all.
Yes, I remember that weird tide pulling way way out then rushing in - it was when we were swimming around midnight on Christmas Night - we woke up to the news of the Tsunami on Boxing Day and only later realised it must have been caused by that. Wish I'd been sketch-blogging then, I may have had my times/dates recorded - but that is how we remember it!
Love your colorful sketch! My horizons have been stretched through reading your blog... I've learned about Jacaranda trees (lovely!), seen glimpses of street life on "Joburg" - including the ice cream man and the Miele (spelling?)lady... and have enjoyed "meeting" you! A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family.
I'm one who popped in - for the first time, as it happens. A very impressive blog and a charming watercolour - and, yes, it is festive!
I have just discovered your blog, I found it fascinating and shall return to view again and again, have to dash now as I'm baking bread.
I do so love your sketches
like the page layout
joyeuse ftes & bon annee 2009
Hi Cathy, just got back from a few days at Port St Francis, and have been catching up on your posts. You are SO good at your sketches of people at work, the meilie lady and tomato sellers are fab, and i don't think the watercolour on the feather duster guys was a mistake, it's cheerful! I see you are also a fan of Sarah Wimperis, I love her work and her generosity in sharing her methods. Happy New Year
Hope you have/had a wonderful time in Arniston and may your new year be filled with exciting art adventures...much like the Orange river trip(how I envy you!)
When are you coming H-O-M-E...??
I miss you!
How lovely to come back to a bunch of warm and friendly greetings - we're just recovering from a lo-o-ong drive home - am so looking forward to getting in touch again with blogging buds, old and new. Will be up and back in action soon!
Happy new year, Cathy! I've been sort of MIA for a while, too, but came by your blog today to check on you. Synchronistically, it's the day you've come home! Can't wait to see what you'll produce in 2009!
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