***Well this is weird... no matter what I do, this image loads vertically instead of horizontally, as it always was in the process of painting, photographing and editing it! I didn't rotate it in my editing programme originally... I tried rotating it at 90 deg and saving it again so that it might upload the right way, but nope... before I write any more about it, does anyone have a clue what's happened - is it the nasty phisherman that I clicked on in my comments a while back? Is it Blogger? Help! (I have reported it to Blogger - hope they fix it)
... Cola belongs to our good kind and generous friends who welcomed us warmly and shared their lovely holiday home with us - a little cross-foxie SPCA special, she was so picturesque curled up on the green and aqua-blue throws that during some of the rainy/windy/coolish hours, I kept my paints at the ready for when she struck this pose in various spots around the lounge. It was never long before she found something else to be off doing, so this watercolour (Fabriano accordion sketchbook - 180 x 250 mm) was done over quite a few days. Cola has a 'big brother' Pepsi, a most beautiful German Shepherd cross-goodness-knows, who I would also like to have painted, but when he isn't bounding around the coastline, he collapses in very hairy heaps behind the sofas, looking more like a huge furry rug than a dog. I think a photo reference for him will be necessary. I left this one with Judi and Russ as a very small token of thanks - think I owe them a biggie!
***Oh Voila, frabjous day... I fixed it - made a new jpg from a previously saved Tif file, and it's righted itself. Don't ask me why but it has.
... Cola belongs to our good kind and generous friends who welcomed us warmly and shared their lovely holiday home with us - a little cross-foxie SPCA special, she was so picturesque curled up on the green and aqua-blue throws that during some of the rainy/windy/coolish hours, I kept my paints at the ready for when she struck this pose in various spots around the lounge. It was never long before she found something else to be off doing, so this watercolour (Fabriano accordion sketchbook - 180 x 250 mm) was done over quite a few days. Cola has a 'big brother' Pepsi, a most beautiful German Shepherd cross-goodness-knows, who I would also like to have painted, but when he isn't bounding around the coastline, he collapses in very hairy heaps behind the sofas, looking more like a huge furry rug than a dog. I think a photo reference for him will be necessary. I left this one with Judi and Russ as a very small token of thanks - think I owe them a biggie!
Sorry I can't help with the problem, but I did pull the image off and rotated it in Photoshop. Great work!! I wonder how large this is? Anyway, the fur and the form and beautifully rendered and so is the spread - I can feel the fabric!
Vertical or Horizontal...this painting is just amazing...wow..!!
Ah sweet little foxie! I don't know him/her - but I feel like I do, from your little painting. Hmmm - that is weird about the veritcal presentation... We've been having problems since I clicked on that Trojan comment... Our computer has slowed way down - and that phisher web site keeps popping itself into my browser when I'm trying to open up Mozilla Firefox... Very irritating.
Thanks Suzanne - and for going to the trouble to rotate it! I really hope this problem isn't going to continue...
Aarti - thanks for visiting and your kind words.
Gillian, I'm sorry that 'my' phisher got into your computer - ours has also slowed down... eek. I'm afraid to click on any links that I don't recognise now! What will I do if all my images turn sideways - stop blogging? :>(
What a fabulous thank you present--this portrait is just charmning; I'm amazed you could do it without reference photos ... and look forward to seeing Pepsi--I love shepherds--someday too!
(Sorry I'm no help with the technical problem either ... The image I see is oriented horizontally ...The ether strikes me as being rather capricious!)
Laura, thanks - late last night I managed to get it the right way up by making a new jpg - it seems to have had something to do with using a photo of the painting rather than my usual scan.
I'm looking at Cola the right way up and he's so sweet. You've painted him so huggable! And I also love the throw on the couch - beautiful work.
Love the colors in this!
Great water color, love the colors and the dog!!
Lovely painting!Great colors!
I love this painting! You have such a talent for fresh, clean colors (I'm green with envy!) :-)
a lovely study
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