Saturday, September 12, 2009

Steamroller printing

One of the good things about Urban Sketchers, is that it makes you get out there and partake in Life! It's so easy (or it is for me) to ensconce yourself in home and studio and just let the world go by.
I had an email about an art project happening at 44 Stanley, where a steamroller would be used for linocut printing. Which I thought sounded interesting, but it was at about the same time as SA playing the All Blacks in the Tri-Nations Cup... and parking is so hard to find at 44... and I should be spring-cleaning my house... but I hadn't done any urban sketching for quite a long while, so... all that went out the window. Except for the rugby, of course. If I wanted company and moral support on my sketching expedition, I had to wait for that to finish.
Directly after the match (Go Bokke!!!) BFG and me hurried off, found a parking space right next to the steamroller and spent a delightful hour watching, chatting (BFG) and sketching (me). Students of local art schools and print artist Fiona Pole laid out and inked their linocuts and used as their press, a cute little yellow steamroller! I did wish I too could be 20 again and just starting out on this whole art adventure, but also happy to be standing on the sidelines and recording the event. Two or three of the students were curious as to what I was up to, and I think - I hope - I may have found a couple more potential Joburg urban sketchers for the future. We'll see...
After that lunch amongst the wisteria and sunshine in a buzzy, trendy courtyard - table no. 13 lucky for us as the previous couple up and left just as we arrived.
Below one of the lino-prints and some of the students with their work...


  1. Love those lino cuts they put mine to shame! What a lovely sounding day and your table 13 looks gorgeous.
    Think I wish I had a sketching buddy but its not to be, I have so little time any way, I thought life was supposed to get slower as I aged but it doesnt seem to .

  2. This post makes me grin from ear to ear! I would have loved to have seen the little steamroller help with the linocut printing!! Wonder if I could get one of those...nah, a little printing press would probably be less expensive although much less flamboyant! I'm so glad you didn't talk yourself out of going in order to do spring housecleaning instead.

  3. Hi Penny - it was a lovely day. My sketching buddy (who doesn't sketch) gets a little impatient sometimes and often thinks I should be finished after 10 minutes or so, so not always an asset! Life not slowing down is a good thing!

    Thanks Rhonda :) yes, a teensy weensy steamroller would be great for the studio! Spring cleaning still awaits (and its going to be 30° today!)

  4. You lead such an interesting life in Joburg and your descriptions of events so well written, I feel I was with you all the way including sitting under that lovely wisteria. Yes, I don't think current day art students realise how lucky they are with so much freedom and diverse experiences. Thanks for showing us their 'rollerprints' . Bags of talent in there.

  5. Wow, how cool is this? I love it and I am so glad you decided not to just stay home but took us out with you by sketching and blogging. thanks! Spring cleaning can wait. You can't be apart of this kind of experience everyday.

  6. Oh I so agree you had to watch the game first! But glad you went out afterwards - fabulous slice of life work Cathy. You bring a new dimension to Jannesburg!

  7. I would love to have seen that... but agree, a press would not only be cheaper, but handier to have around. I'd also love to have a sketch buddy... I do have one but only for one week out of the year and that's not enough. Love your sketches!

  8. What a fun project! Your sketches a very fresh and spontaneous! I hope the coming summer is a grand as mine has been.

  9. I love your style of sketching/painting. Another winner here... gosh, how do you do it?

  10. Your "partaking of life" out there in Jo'burg is a gift to us all. Love the steamroller press and artist, wisteria, fish; all of it. What a star! Lots of love. Enjoying having Jo and Steve to stay. She's doing some lovely w/c sketches in a moleskin!

  11. Whew - thank you everybody for your comments - I did get into some spring-cleaning (have visitors coming so very necessary) so sorry for no response up to now.

    Vivienne - how super to have J&S with you - great that Jo is sketching - maybe she'll become the Zambian Urban Sketcher...?
