Things are hotting up for the World Cup (cooling down as far as the weather goes) and flags are busting out all over Joburg, on buildings, cars, restaurants - these flag-sellers at almost every traffic light and street corner are doing a roaring trade. I had an hour or more yesterday waiting for my son's exam to be over to sit in my car and sketch them. See a couple more over on Urban Sketchers.
These are wonderful. Could you describe your process on these? Do you sketch them in ink, then fill in with watercolor? Your work is so vibrant and colorful, but in a soft way... (hard to describe) :)
Brillliant sketches, Cathy. Just wonderful. I love your flag - it's such a great design. Now I will stagger away in awe at your talent :)
These are amazing. Love the use of colour.
Happy and excellent. These could launch a book!
The only thing better than flags busting out all over is 'flags busting out all over' by Cathy! Thank you for these wonderful 'beginning of the build-up' glimpses. I see you've even included one of the internationally infamous vuvuzelas in your Urban Sketchers pictures...
Thanks Katherine, yes I sketched these with a Pitt pen at the site, and added watercolour later - I took photos of the sellers and flags for colour reference as there were just so many colours, but sometimes I take pencil notes of what the main colours are if I think they're important to the subject.
Thank you Robyn! I love our flag too, after initial rude remarks about Y-fronts when it first appeared, it's embraced by most SA's now.
Thanks Sue, and Suzanne - its a bright happy feeling right now!
Charlene, the vuvuzelas are everywhere - let's hope we don't all lose a few decibels in our hearing ranges!
Wonderful sketches and great color and energy :) I imagine things are going to be crazy soon!! Now I've got to hop over to see what you've done at Urban Sketchers...
wonderful blog. Bicos
The top sketch is amazing. I love that man with all the flags!
I have a friend over in S.A. now. She's an AP photographer there for the world cup. I imagine your country will be busy with tourists and athletes for the next month!
Full of colour: great! :)
Love it Cathy!! On every street corner in Cape Town as well. You've oh so caught those sellers perfectly - hope you've got yours flying on your car as well as your wing mirror socks!!
Nice. So colorful, and tells such a story.
What a treat to see a bit of the excitement of the World Cup through your sketches! Thanks for sharing them.
Great stuff, Cathy! This is so much it! You've captured the spirit magnificently! When i came back from France mid May, this is what striked me most: the flags everywhere, on the cars even!
Oh, what wonderful color! I love the flags--your painting is glorious!
LOVE this tooo!!
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