Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stories of the Square and the 32nd Sketchcrawl

On the second day I had the afternoon off, and could go to Melanie Reim's 'Stories of the Square' workshop. In this sketch I obeyed instructions, making the main characters large, and setting them in the Rossio square...(this one was sold at the 'silent auction' held to raise funds for next year's symposium) this one I lost the plot and got distracted from my story by the pigeons.
These below were done at the 32nd Worldwide Sketchcrawl, when all the symposium participants, instructors and lecturers, as well as any Lisbonites who cared to join us, gathered in the Terreiro Do Paco, an enormous square on the final afternoon of the wonderful symposium. Truly amazing to be part of such a huge group, all sketching together.

two musicians, who moved on too quickly, so I turned to my fellow sketchers

A busker and his diabolo

I had to at least attempt some of the magnificent buildings and statues, but I could have done with some help from instructors such as Gerard Michel and Marc Holmes - wish I could have done every single one of the workshops!


  1. What a magnificent post, Cathy! You used your little bit of time off wonderfully well. I'll bet all of your readers will be wishing they'd been there for the silent auction to snap up your 'Story of the Square.' Love the 'Impressions of the Square' where the pigeons ran off with the plot too.

  2. I can see the statue of the horse you mentioned; it's indeed funny you sketched one as well on exactly the same day, but yours is fantastic!! I can well understand how frustrating it must have been not to be able to aprticipate to the all the workshops! I'm not surprised that the first sketch you show has been sold, it's stunning! I love the one touch of colour!

  3. these are all fabulous and I admire your ability to go out and sketch en plein air. I am vicariously enjoying your trip.

  4. Sounds like an amazing time, lovely to see your sketches and your impressions of it.

  5. Wow. You may have gone to teach but you certainly learned. These posted sketches show a dramatic leap in expression. You mark seems more streamlined. And the pigeon watercolor is a delight. Thanks for sharing.

  6. And here you are, telling us more about the Lisbon experience! I started at your latest post and missed this! How nice that all these wonderful old buildings were incorporated in your workshops. And when I meet you one day, in stead of a signature, you can scribble a cyclist!I adore your cyclists!

  7. I have been reading and reading,I love all the posts! How wonderful to be a part of all the excitement! You are so talented and I wish I could have been one of you students
