Sketches from Saturday's Worldwide Sketchcrawl - our merry group of four went to Parkview, a suburb with a lovely villagey shopping area. We started with the very intricate newly renovated building at the top. The metal fretwork is called 'broekielace' here, referring to the lace on undies! - and is found on old buildings all over South Africa. We moved on to the fruit & veg shop, where we had to sketch fast as the sun came over and started to bake us and our watercolours - and then to the Anglican church of St Francis which had some welcome shade, a lovely garden to sit in, and music as a choir practised inside the building! On the left, a regular artist in Parkview, painting the buildings on canvases which he sells to passers by.
What a successful crawl. Congratulations.
I enjoy opening up each painting, looking at the details then stepping back and appreciating the whole. I love your work.
Three wonderful results Cathy with stunning detail and colour.
That top one looks like it was a bear to draw and paint! But so nice, all of them (although the last watercolor is my favorite - it's a burst of muted color and shapes).
wow! triple wow! No sketching blues here! Beautiful. The building is so masterfully done, the market so colourful and the church looks so peaceful!
What a wonderful result from a sketchcrawl. How I'd love to sit and look over your shoulder!
I really LOVE your work! Coming here makes me feel happy and eager to draw!
For this, thank you!
Its a wonderful way to get to know a bit about your country - great sketches and information.
Good post Cathy. Still don't know how I missed this chap painting. Great sketch.
How wonderful,great sketches,you do such wonderful work!
gotta love these. your town is lovely
Amazing colours and details!
brilliant sketches ..love how you've captured the building in the top sketch .
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