Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Home to remember

One of our regular Joburg Sketchers, Barbara, invited us to her home yesterday, for a delicious tea and to sketch features of the lovely old house in which the family has lived happily for 30 years, and which is now on the market as they prepare to move into a new stage of life. Barbara is going to make a journal and sketchbook of the history and memories of their time there, and thought a sketching session by our group would get it off to a good start - we'll send her digital copies which she can print and put in the album. The house is full of beautifully crafted details from its early days, as well as modern open spaces that made it a very happy and welcoming home.
I started with the armchairs around the fireplace with an impressive brass collection on the mantelpiece, that must have overheard many an interesting discussion over sherry on cold winter's nights - and then to one of the lovely bevelled glass leaded windows (top) hosting a collection of wooden birds.

Barbara's little terrier caught my eye, basking in the sunlight coming through another window. I had to get her down quickly first before moving on to the surroundings as I knew she wouldn't stay there long - and she didn't, as soon as she realised she was being stared at.
John set up his easel and did an oil painting of the outside cottage. As I said before, Joburg is emptying out for the holidays, so only four of us got there - but hope it gets the ball rolling for the special record this journal will be.


  1. What a wonderful thing to do! She'll have these artistic memories to keep and take with her to her new place :) Love the sketches and the painting done in oil.

  2. Charming sketches. I'm sure they will be treasured. I love how you captured the leaded glass and window.

  3. Cathy thank you - what lovely sketches to add to our precious memories of a beloved house, so filled with memories of our life together....I had a wonderful day and loved everyone's sketches. In particular I loved how everyone enjoyed the house...sharing something precious with wonderful friends is as good as it gets!

  4. Dear Cathy,
    Beatiful sketches capture light, mood and colours in different media! So lovely!! I'm learning a lot from you.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. Wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Please keep up wonderful work and make us happy.
    Best wishes,Sadami

  5. You've captured the coziness of your friend's home; love the wood and leaded windows and the sense of all the "things" ... the little dog is delightful

  6. Shame I couldn't make it! I would have loved to, as I think Barbara's idea is brilliant! But I managed to find a ticket to fly back to France on that Saturday! Pity! I thought of you though, and sent lots of positive and creative vibes!! ;-)

  7. What a wonderful way to share their home with friends before they move on, and you've created some lovely sketchs that they will cherish, I'm sure.
