Monday, March 19, 2012

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

These are what I've been very busy on in between quick sketching trips lately - place settings (420x300mm) in acrylic for my artist's Dinner Party for this year's Greg Kerr painting course. Each place has a main guest in it, plus the guest to his or her left - except for one dinner companion who appears in two as I, the hostess, appear in all of them, as does a gatecrasher who was randomly thrown in as a curveball while we were puzzling over how to arrange all those elements. Mine was ignored by most of the guests, so felt very small! Finally we were to include the Valentine cards, or an element or part of them, from the preliminary stage of the course.

Can you guess who they all are? Answers over here in the Valentine cards, apart from the gatecrasher, who didn't deserve a Valentine, besides I had no idea he would be there.

If you thought that was challenging, and it was (I'm hoping my paintings don't look too much like a car-boot sale!) - wait till you hear the next part of the project.


  1. Hi,Cathy,
    What fabulous work!! So charming! I love your sense of hunour,too.

  2. Hi Sadami, it was really fun to do once I'd got over the fright of having to do all that!

  3. J'adore sincèrement l'ensemble de ces merveilleuses oeuvres... je me suis bien régalée!...
    Gros bisous

  4. How surreal! I got O'Keefe and Chagall right off, but the others? Nope! I had to click your link for those.
    Brilliant idea and work.

  5. Merci Martine-Alison, je suis heureux que vous avez apprécié le jeu :-)

    Hi Dinah, the others were a little less known. Did you get the gatecrasher?

  6. These are wonderful paintings. I l0ve how you've arranged the shapes.

  7. I haven't been around in such a long time...skande! So I had a good peep at your valentine's too. I did recognize chagall immeadiatley, him being one of my favorite painters( mostly his skewed oulook on life). It all falls so beautifully in place on your paintings...I love it and I love the concept. What a wonderful challenge, forcing one to really study and bring out the best of one's creativity! Mine is so dormant, I need a challenge like this! Congratulations!

  8. What an amazing body of work. These are all so creative, fun and just downright amazing.

  9. won't add anymore to the work, each of them have their flashes of brilliance --- but i applaud the concept the most. really wonderful.

  10. The more I look, the more I see (which, of course, is what a good picture should be about!), but I need help on your gatecrasher, please. I wondered about Toulouse-Lautrec (O'Keefe's dessert spoon reflection),then I wondered Neel's dessert spoon -Matisse?
    Then I did the sane thing and gave up!
    But the whole idea is great.

  11. Oh, I'm so proud of myself for getting them all but Alice Neel - but what an accomplishment these are! And how did I miss the Valentines in February?? Beautiful and so creative!!

  12. Fabulous work. What a credit you are to your instructor!
