Tuesday, July 17, 2012

NeighbourGoods Market

 For the 36th Worldwide Sketchcrawl, four of our group went to the NeighbourGoods Market in Braamfontein, where Joburgers go in their hundreds every Saturday to buy from: (off their website) 'local farmers, fine-food purveyors, organic merchants, bakers and distributors, grocers, mongers, butchers, artisan producers, celebrated local chefs, and micro enterprises'.
 A freezing cold front blew in that morning, so I started sketching from the relative shelter of a canvas awning - the hat and accessories stall inside, then turned on my chair to draw the hardy souls outside on the rooftop balcony overlooking Braamfontein.
 Downstairs to join the others, Anni, Marlene and Alan for a delicious lunch and to carry on sketching - the two girls above, and the one in the bright jacket below, took photos of my sketches of them - thankfully quite happy with their portrayals!
 The queue for this paella began forming as the two cooks started a new batch, and waited patiently until it was ready. It was all gone within minutes -  must have been good!
 This tall, slim woman in her black and white skirt caught my eye as she stood in front of the tall, slim cake stands full of black and white wrapped cupcakes.
Which I couldn't resist buying two of (Red Velvet and Bar-One - yum!) to take home for my last sketch of the day, before sharing them with my son - my husband's will power standing firm as mine crumbled!


  1. Hi, Cathy,
    I love your confident lines and vivid colours ... and so lovely humour sense!!

  2. Oh, lovely sketches!!! I love experiencing your day with you through your watercolor sketches - and the cupcake was a perfect ending - I can vicariously enjoy that, too :) Without the calories! ha ha I really believe you should have a few books out about your part of the world filled with your sketches and your information!

  3. Hi Cathy, I feel like I got to go to this outdoor market with you. I must admit I stopped for a second when I read "A freezing cold front blew in that morning" since it's a bazillion degrees here!

    Those cupcakes look luscious!

  4. garage doors sydney

    Wow. Great way to share your day. Through your sketches you had able to share your experience vividly. Its very creative.

  5. Just came across your blog. Love your work!

  6. Thanks again for your visits and comments Sadami, Rhonda and Carol (wish I'd missed out on the calories too!) and hi and thank you Mischy... and Mzansigirl, yay and welcome - maybe I'll bump into you around town somewhere :-)
