Monday, August 20, 2012

Delta Park

On Saturday only John and I turned up to sketch at Delta Park on a cold, overcast and windy day. I could understand why, but I do think we're a bit wimpy when I see sketchers out in midwinter, in places like Sweden and Canada! We had more of a plein air session than urban sketching, as John had his oil paints and I made myself slow down a bit, after a lot of rather frantic fast sketching lately. I wished I'd taken proper watercolour paper - I had only sketchbooks with me, one being a watercolour Moleskine which I used for this long format painting. I had planned to have lots of the yellows and blues I used evident but it ended up looking, once and brown. In spite of the weather it was good to be out - I finished off with a little sketch of John painting in the bleak winter landscape (ignoring his complaints that I should choose another subject!).


  1. Well, I'm glad you showed up. I love the long two pager. And your sketch of John is quite lovely, too.


  2. Hi, Cathy,
    Your sketches are very nice and WARM! I hope more people would come up next time. Take care not to catch a cold and enjoy sketching!!
    Warm regards, Sadami

  3. I really like your green and brown vertical in your sketchbook. And I like the painting of John. I feel like I'm right there with you.

  4. I agree with the positive comments about the format. This composition works really well. And I love your friend painting!

  5. Thanks Vicki, Sadami, Carol and Bridget, it's always worth getting out to sketch, even when it's cold

  6. Well done on sketching in the cold. Beautiful results!
