Thursday, June 19, 2014

End of a Eucalypt

These sketches tell their own story - the end of the long life of a beautiful eucalyptus tree at the entrance to our home. It was leaning dangerously towards our neighbour's car park so it had to be done, but I'll so miss its silvery leaves cheerily shimmering in the sun amongst the darker greens of other trees.
These treefeller guys were something else though - just amazing stamina, strength and agility climbing (without safety harnesses!) up and down while wielding a chainsaw in one hand or the other, only sometimes both when they could get a good grip with legs alone. Systematically removing huge limbs and slicing off log after log from top to bottom, avoiding power lines and precious plants, being flung around as branches sprang back from releasing a weight, they were truly awe-inspiring. I felt exhausted after standing in my nice warm kitchen all day, sketching them from the window, I can only imagine how weary they must feel at the end of a day like this - -just another working day.


  1. Hi, Cathy, absolutely all master pieces!! I love these sketches. Best wishes, Sadami

  2. Hi Sadami - I was just over to visit you! Thanks so much :)

  3. WOW! You've rendered these guys and their movements so beautifully!! Sorry you had to lose your tree.

  4. Such evocative sketches! I had no time to sketch when my tree fellas were here- I was too busy fielding dropped bits of twiggery that threatened plants! (I did play with a pen later using memory and a couple of photos)I'd hire your chaps in a heartbeat if they were here.

  5. Thanks Rhonda and Dinah, it was a great opportunity to observe and draw without being observed myself for once - took full advantage!

  6. P.S. Dinah - that is in fact the name of this felling company - The Tree Fellas! :-)

  7. Dear Cathy, your sketches are marvellous!! And I can picture the scene so well; some guys came to prune our big lime tree last April ( just the top branches)and the guy with his chainsaw (and no security harness either) simply amazed me!! He was so agile, and so easy going, chopping off here and there, as if it were just stems... I love you final sketches, the guys position are just so right, so relaxed... Well done!
    I can also understand your feelings after losing your precious eucalyptus. Are you going to plant something else?

  8. Hi Cathy - It's lovely to hear from you! I was thinking of you as we are going to sketch at the FĂȘte de la Musique in Melville again this Saturday, and you were with us last time that happened. Bruce planted a yellowwood tree near the stump of the eucalyptus a while ago (he knew its days were numbered!) It should have room and light to grow now.
    Hope you are well and one day might come for a visit and a sketch! xxC

  9. Cathy, the workers are something to behold!You really are so observant! I did not want the post to end!

  10. What a fabulous collection of sketches. As you said, they tell the whole story. How sad it had to be felled but beautifully recorded by you.

  11. Beautiful sketches of a sad event. I hope maybe you'll plant a new tree. Away from the powerlines and the neighbor's car park.

  12. Fabulous sketches!
    Your works always give me energy.:)
