Monday, September 15, 2014

Portraits in Red Wine

Merlot to be exact - and it wasn't a waste, in case you're worried, just a few dregs left in a bottle after an excellent dinner. There's a food, wine and design fair coming up in November and a call went out for artists to submit portraits done in red wine (as artists do after dinner) for a possible commission. On Saturday, happily for me, my daughter decided to have a birthday braai in our garden with a few friends. The perfect chance to try this with some willing - if not too cooperative in sitting still and keeping quiet - models (spot two who didn't keep their mouths still for 30 seconds!)
It's a compelling medium - more fluid, less controllable than watercolour and pools fairly randomly to make darker tones. Some of the paper was old and had lost its sizing so soaked up the wine leaving blotchy textures, with lots of drips, drizzles and runs... lots of fun, especially when sipping your medium by mistake (or not) made everything a lot looser and carefree!


  1. Sipping your medium by mistake...wonderful! (When I was very small, my mother would put my painting water in a mug, for stability, and, yes, I made that mistake.)

  2. Nice! I like all the light and dark effects. Good luck with your submission.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ~(*o*)~ ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ·.•*•♫°•♫·.•ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ!!

  5. What fun! And you can drink your pigment :) I've seen artists use coffee and tea but not wine.

  6. How fun... and as has been previously said, you can drink your medium too.

  7. I see red wine works well for portraits! Of course you have so much talent I think anything would work well for you.

    These are great fun!
