Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Greek Day at Rotary Arts Festival

 I cannot believe it's almost July! I have so much I should be doing but finding it hard to knuckle down and do any of it, including updating my blog (doggedly keeping it going though, as proof that I actually DO do something every now and then).

These sketches from a few weeks ago at the annual Rotary Arts Festival... I see this time last year I was thinking of having an Urban Sketchers display or stand there next time, which never happened.
We had fun though on the Greek-themed day, sketching the kids from the Saheti School playing bouzoukis, singing and dancing, as well as catching other scenes from around the shopping centre - over coffee in the bookshop, a life drawing session from the Figures & Form group, and a lone pianist who I hope realised his beautiful playing was appreciated even if he didn't draw the crowds. I stuck to simple contour line drawing after a brief attempt to take my watercolours out in a shifting, shuffling situation!


  1. Cathy, fabulous! I love your drawings and lines that tell lots of stories. Bravo~~~!!! Best wishes, Sadami

  2. Thank you Sadami - I do love the stories!

  3. These are fabulous... I agree with Sadami! So loose and yet so right structurally! And with tons of spatial complexity and movement! Wow. Very inspiring!

  4. What an impressive series of sketches!! You must have spent a long time there!

  5. Hi Laura - as you know, you're an inspiration to me so honoured to return the favour!

    Thanks Cathy, yes we stayed for about 5 hours, looking at the art and sketching (plus coffee and lunch breaks:))

    Thank you Carol
