A seagull that I sketched from my digital camera with watercolours and waterbrush - it started off well, but the cheap sketchbook paper didn't take to much working of the paint - I might try this on better paper.

Just the loveliest day in
Kalk Bay - a fishing harbour which still barely supports a few local fishermen going out to sea in their boats. I hope and pray that the big trawlers on the horizon don't put them out of business for once and for all - a fate that's befallen many a similiar seaside industry.

We were inside the restaurant - 'Livebait' - and had a great view of the harbour and its activities. The two fishermen on the bottom left having their lunchtime 'dop' of sweet muscadel wine. I guess they'd finished fishing for the day!

The opposite side of the bay where waves crash right up against the Brass Bell - another restaurant that's been there as long as I can remember. I believe nobody wants to insure them any more against water damage!
Great work Cathy! You do more trawling around Cape Town than most Capetonians! The False Bay side is very special and you've caught it beautifully.
These are such "mood" pictures. The colorful characters and the crashing waves just make one sit up and say "WOW"
Thanks Liz - well, when I was a Capetonian I was as remiss as anyone at getting out enough and appreciating the beauty, and certainly never did any sketching in those days. Hope I get more chances!
Hello Jill! You've been much in my thoughts - not going anywhere for a while - but vasbyt, you'll be mobile again soon!
Such nostalgia looking at these! I'm so grateful you were able to squeeze in some sketching. Good that you took lots of photos too. Bun and I were just talking about the Brass Bell the other day.
I really like the fresh clean treatment of the seagull sketch :>)
great sketches
I really admire your patience in putting so much detail into the backgrounds of your sketches. I often find myself losing interest once the main elements are done. As for the seagull, the thing I particularly love about that painting is the quality of the shadows.
Beautiful seaside scenes, Cathy! I really love the seagull sketch--the light on the gull is great and I love the shapes of the shadows and pilings; I hope you'll do it again!
You have certainly caught it and caused a lot of nostalgia here. Did you go into the antique shops near the Olympia Cafe? Some fabulous art books for next to 0 when we were there - a while ago now.Kalk Bay and its people should be on some sort of world heritage list, I think!
I'm always amazed by how easily you seem to take a complex subject and come out with a gorgeous painting that's not too busy but has all the necessary elements to make it zing! My hat's off to you!
I'm with Teresa... you give those complex subjects such zing. My hat's off to you too.
I love your seagull and the bit of sea we can see at the back, the light is beautiful!
I have such fond memories of Kalk Bay and you have brought them all flooding back with your lovely paintings that are full of character.
Hi Cathy,
I'm sitting at a picture window on Boyes Drive overlooking Kalk Bay harbour and the vastness of Fale Bay.
There were several whales in the bay this afternoon, making their late afternoon way towards Simonstown. Tomorrow I'll walk down to the harbour and do some sketching myself...can't wait.
Best wishes, Barbara Moore
How wonderful Barbara - enjoy the sketching!
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