My palette lately seems to consist of a lot of golds and ochres - but these are typical Highveld colours, sketched this afternoon near the entrance

of 'the dog park' - the section of Emmarentia Dam where people are allowed to walk their dogs. I used to dislike this dry, almost bleached-looking scenery, but I've come to love the softness and subtlety of it - I think this is the first time I've tried a landscape on this theme, there is much more to observe and paint than I thought, and as always with plein-air, it changes constantly.
I tried to sketch a few of the hundreds of pooches that scampered past (and one owner)- of course all far too busy and quick to be caught accurately!
Your ochres and the grays you make with them are lovely. Love the dogs, and especially the bell-bottomed walker!
I love your blog, I like your sketches very much, I'd like to draw quickly en plain air but I haven't bravery. Whisler said that for making a sketch in 15 minutes It took 15 years! And I think it is true
Fun sketch Cathy..and I loved the quick little dogs and walker too! I am off to the studio today...may do a little sketch of the darling little chinese vase that I picked up at the garage sale yesterday. But aim to work on finishing up a painting on Yupo started two weeks ago. Great day to hang out sheets in the piney sweet smelling northern WI summer air. So I will do that at the same time. Multi-tasking.
Thank you all - Mario, I haven't bravery either... I was hiding among some trees as far out of people's path as possible!
Cathy, your dogs and the woman walker are little miracles of watercolor wizardry! And your golden trees and fields are so lyrical. Thank you for your very sweet comment on my blog and on The Ginger Parasol. It was lovely of you to take the time to do both.
PS You're a tremendous inspiration to me, too. I would love someday to be able to sketch together ---wouldn't that be fun? We could invite Robyn Sinclair of Have Dogs, Will Travel! I somehow think of the two of you with the same admiration and affection.
Your palette is lovely.... soft, warm, yet clean and outdoorsy with the blue skies and green trees. A winner!
I think you did very well with the dogs and I bet it was a lot of fun.
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