I said she had a heart of gold, and she replied, with her obvious bubbly nature, maybe that's why its been giving her a spot of bother lately - Rhonda I hope with all my heart that you return to the best of health quickly, you so deserve to, and Thank You!!!
I had trouble finding rubbing alcohol to clean it with (which I finally got yesterday, from a suspicious looking pharmacist - did he think I wanted to swig it?), but before that I just had to doodle on a small strip, fingerprints and all. I like the weird things that happen with the colours granulating and sitting on top of the surface, and the more intense colours that result from non-absorption - and the way you can lift it off easily if you want to, and move it around endlessly... I'm thinking up what to do on the big piece that's left - so fun.
I'm planning on going Sketching today, for the 23rd Worldwide Sketchcrawl, though for one reason and another I'm, so far, stuck in the house (but with my yupo :-) - I've registered with the site, but for some cookies/security/computer-innards reason I can't log in, but still, if I can I'll be getting out there.
I'm so glad you are getting some free time to play with the yupo and experiment with it before going into a large painting. I think you'll enjoy it and I'm looking forward to what you do with it. And thank you so much for the very kind comments :)
Oh, I forgot to tell you, when I saw your icon on my blogroll, I saw a lady's face...coming here, I see she's wearing a butterfly for a hat and there are a couple other butterflies in this little piece, too! Funny how we want to see "something" even if it's just swatches of paint :)
Yupo...ain't it amazin'? Of course you know Sandy Maudlin's blog? She is about the QUEEN of yupo. I've never seen ANYTHING like it. But it does give you some idea of the possibilities of the paper. I've been experimenting with "transparent" yupo now. Well, translucent would be better. Same surface but you can see through it. You can place colors or sketches UNDER the paper and paint what ever you want. Hard to explain. I also bought a foam roller (about 2" wide) at the hardware store to add some smoothness to washes. There are SO many things you can do with it. Maybe I'll post my latest up on my blog so you can see it. I have one in progress but it's not far along enough yet to post. Good luck. ginnystiles.blogspot.com
Don't you just love the way the paint stays so vivid and clean. I can't wait to see what you are going to create with Yupo. Have fun and I will be looking for your sketch on Sketchcrawl.
I think I will enjoy it Rhonda - it has quite its own qualities. I guess the joy of abstracts is that you can interpret them in individual ways - I'm searching for the lady...;-D
I do know Sandy's work, Ginny - one of the reasons I was so keen to try yupo. Translucent too - gosh the possibilities are endless! Will be over to check what you've been doing...
Pat I didn't get to sketch yesterday - a bit of a family crisis - I've missed every sketchcrawl so far (and still can't figure out why I can't log onto the SC site)
What a sweet thing for Rhonda to do! Bloggers just amaze me with their caring and sharing... especially art bloggers!
Teresa, I read your article about how kind Americans are - can only agree with you, even from 10000 kms away!
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