BFG and me went for a walk yesterday and found a Family Fun Day was on at the dam, put on by the local residents association. The sky was grey and rain threatening, so unfortunately it wasn't well attended, but we stayed to watch the show put on by the German shepherd club. Such happy dogs, trying their best to please their owners. The stuffed scarecrow guy came on and they all barked eagerly. He was the designated 'criminal' who had to pretend to attack people and grab handbags. He was well and truly dealt with by each of the protectors.
Then showing their gentler sides, children were asked to gather in the middle and take off their shoes, then the dogs sniffed out the other one of a pair of shoes given to them previously, amongst all the different smells. So clever!
Great sketches Cathy...love all those children fascinated by the show!!
Very sweet, Cathy. Your 'criminal' is particularly convincing.
The German Shepherd... IMHO the most handsome and intelligent of all the canines (and that was truly an unbiased opinion ;-)
Great sketches!
Lovely story, illustrated by wonderfully happy dogs. Sorry to hear there wasn't a great turnout in the iffy spring weather, and I'm glad you've added all of us to the appreciative audience.
Lovely sketches and lovely story Cathy.
Thanks everybody - Teresa, I might have to arm-wrestle on behalf of Weimeraners, who admittedly would never get it together to give anything back to you once retrieved, but I'm quite sure can read minds and plan strategies to get More Food!
These are great Cathy!
Great sketching Cahty, I am always amazed at what a dog will do for their owner. Mine can walk on a leash and well that's it.
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