I am feeling rather scattered at the moment - too many different projects on the go at the same time, and all of them really demanding my undivided attention! I'm trying to prepare for the oil painting 'Urban Landscape' workshop on Saturday, but another bunch of work has come in - plus, plus, plus - I won't go into it all right now, that will be too much time on the computer when I need to be at my desk!
I've also been walking and sketching over the last week - ducks, geese and coots as you can tell below, and people out on the street, which you can read more about on
Urban Sketchers if you're interested. I'm sorry to not be visiting and commenting much either on blogger-friends blogs. Hope to be over this frantic patch and back into gear soon!

Hi Cathy, I know that scattered feeling! these are beautiful sketches, well done.
Great sketches...especially all those quick bird ones! Take it easy...
I really like these - so lively!
I SO understand your plight!!!! But thanks for taking the time to post these. Love the color code and especially the duck with spreading wings. What a gesture! Good luck with your work load and enjoy it.
Oh but it's so good to be busy! And these are great.
I love your sketches of ducks! They are so full of life!!
Thanks for bringing us up to date with your busy life. As ever , love your urban people sketches - not only great movement but glorious colour. The scratchy penwork is so free and animated.
You can only do what you can do. Don't worry about any of the obligations we have put on you just take care of yourself and keep healthy. The nice thing about computers is that it will be right there when you are ready to get back on.
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