I've been keeping a little sketchbook in the kitchen and scribbling down some of the yin and yang-like poses our dog and cat get into every night after their supper. If I'd done that over the last four years I'd have hundreds of convoluted combos in the collection. This is a crazy weimeraner who, when our daughter brought the waif kitten home, we were convinced with one boisterous nip, would bring about her very early demise. After weeks of protecting her like a coopfull of mother hens from 'The Orc', as we rudely referred to Gucci (the designer dog), one unguarded moment we turned to see Kenzo the kitten tucked under his chin, and both of them fast asleep and very contented, and that's the way they've snuggled up ever since.
And since those first raindrops started plopping down in my last post, it's been raining and pouring here. It's the
25th International Sketchcrawl tomorrow, but

with this being the

forecast for the next 48 hours, I'll have to find a shopping mall or some such dry place, to take part. I haven't tried very hard to find other sketchers to join me, but if anyone is in the neighbourhood and would like to, leave a comment or email, I'd love to have company!
These are wonderful, Cathy. I do envy your drawing skills. My favourite is No6 Butt in Face :)
What a funny story and fabulous line drawings, beautiful!
great sketches and a lovely story :>)
Yep, the last one with him using her behind as a pillow - too cute! Your sketching skills are so good, capturing so much in just a few lines. Good luck tomorrow on the SketchCrawl.
These are wonderful sketches! It's a sweet story, too.
Awwww, I love the sketches of your doggie and kittie. I, too, would be afraid that if I ever let a cat in my apartment, my 100 lb. dog would have it as a snack. So nice to see that yours not only co-exist, but really seem to enjoy each other.
Great sketches. And I would meet you for the sketchcrawl, but don't think I can make it over there in time.
Absolutely great sketches Cathy. And loved the story. About the rain - no cricket!!!
Great post, love the sketches. You really captured their forms with just a few lines. I would love to see a flip book with these.
What a lovely blog. Your drawings are consumate. Glad I took the time to follow. Keep up the effort
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