Gosh - it's over, and I didn't even wish you all a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, but I do hope they were and are, how ever you are spending them. We've had a lovely mini family gathering, with our daughter/sister home from London for a few days. Sunny days and hot summer nights with the occasional thunderstorm to freshen things up, its been pleasantly relaxed - except for the big cook-up on Christmas Eve (that every fly in the vicinity looks forward to with glee), which brings flushed cheeks and flustered stuffings and stirrings, and too, too much of everything.

This is a sketch of Alex (I've made her look grumpy, which she isn't) done with the wonderful Pentel Brush Pen she brought me from London and some watercolour - soaking up some sun after the snow and cold she left behind. In the pool is Rob, our other daughter's boyfriend, floating blissfully after a Boxing Day lunch of - you guessed it, cold turkey and gammon and leftover trifle.

And the post-Christmas table with the decorations slightly wilted, the Pimms all gone, and much clearing up to be done

A night swim where the water is as warm as the air, one of the great pleasures of Christmas in South Africa - the sea is the best for this, if its safe - but a big old swimming pool comes close.
Really love your work!
Looks good, not quite so hot here in the south of
australia but wrming up again.
Love your figures.
Cathy, So glad you had such a wonderful time. And youre so lucky to be swimming this time of year.We had snow and freezing hear. Not much of a holiday for me but thats okay.
Just happy to hear about yours.
Happy New Year girl friend,
Love your beautiful Christmas illustrations. Makes me want to hop right into that pool!
whoops, I guess I hit the send key a bit too quickly. I'm the anonymous comment above.
Lovely to catch a glimpse of your Christmas/Boxing Day. Great to have A. home, I'm sure! I posted some photos of our festivities on FB. Ja, can you believe it slips by so quickly after all the preps and anticipation. Almost time to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!
As always Cathy, you bring our world to life - Christmas in Africa, what a pleasure! Even CT was hot this year!
Ooh Cathy, that last comment was from me - I was still signed in on the Society's blog!!!
Hi and thanks Sue, Penny, Linda and Carol
Gillian, I'm off to check FB right now - it is such a big build up, then -blip- it's over!
Thanks Liz - I saw you have the Society blog on your page, I must investigate!
It's cooled down a lot today, which is fine - as long as that isn't the end of our summer, as it was last year!
Looks like paradise from where I'm sitting (with three jumpers on), Cathy. Wonderful sketches of Christmas and you are already totally in charge of that brush pen. I'll be back for tips, if mine every arrives.
What a wonderful way to spend Christmas - plus the bonus of being surrounded by your family. No wonder they fly back across the world to be with you. All sketches just brought your celebrations to life. Your after dinner table looked rather tidy compared to the mess we all left at Laura's - fortunately two sets of grand parents to help sort out once we let all the food and drink go down a bit!! Happy New Year Cathy.
BEAUTIFUL descriptive sketches Cathy! Enjoy the rest of the festive season and may 2010 be the BEST year you've ever had!
Oh, gorgeous, gorgeous drawings! I can always count on being inspired and cheered by your work and your stories. Happy new year, dear Cathy.
Thanks Robyn - don't know about in charge... its all quite surprising so far!
Joan - I didn't put in all the mess, the sketch would have been very busy, thank you so much, and to Maree and Laura - Happy New Year and very happy sketching to you all!
That green glow you can surely see is me - soooo jealous over here in rainy France! Beautiful, beautiful drawings - thank you for sharing your Christmas with us.
Hi Cathy and Happy New Year!
I wanted to say thank you for a year of wonderful posts and beautiful art work. I have been blessed getting to know you and becoming a friend. You have been so supportive and I am grateful for finding you in this virtual art world.
It's beautiful pictures. It's lovey christmas.
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