For sketching that is... not so much my hair, which has given me angst since the time in Kindergarten 1 when we were having our first school photos taken and the teacher tossed her brush in despair after attempts to neaten my flyaway locks. Though I did get a pretty good haircut, considering, on this visit to the hairdresser, where I used the time with foil and potions in my hair to sketch the heads around me. Lebo, my stylist knew I was sketching the girl next to me with her shining, lustrous mane, from her reflection in the mirror, but was so engrossed in what she was doing, didn't notice me drawing her too, superimposed on the other sketch.

Later at home my daughter popped in to show us her new 'do' - she'd described it as mostly chopped off and cherry-red, but there is still plenty of hair left and I'd describe it more as a deep burgundy, which I tried to render with burnt sienna, alizarin crimson and sepia.
I'm starting my big drawing/painting course tomorrow - have done lots of preparation and am expecting a hard week's work.
Wonderful sketches, Cathy. I do love seeing these glimpses into my farflung friends' lives. Your daughter's hair is beautifully rendered. She looks to be a beauty herself, which is not surprising, considering ;D.
Beautiful and unusual sketches. You are so brave just getting your sketchbook out anywhere but then you create such glorious work from landscape, town and now virtual close up portraits. So talented.
These are great - could grace the walls of any salon I know. And I agree with Joan - you are brave and, apparently, very "bendy" if you can sketch while bent backwards over the shampoo bowl! ha ha Good luck on the week's drawing course :)
Everyone's going to be wanting to have their hair done at the same time as you now. These action shots are not only amazing, but really pretty!
Wonderful sketching! I realy like yopur style of art!
Wonderful work, Cathy.I always enjoy your sketches, they are so fresh and very accomplished. You truly have a unique style!
Very pretty! I loved the story as much as I love all of your sketches!
Hi cathy, just found you and am happily surprised, loved my first glimpse of your sketches and stories.. look forward to more. cathy in cape town and Bruce's cousin :)
It's funny I should read this in your blog, while no later than yesterday I was contemplating the idea of going to the hairdresser (which I really need) and sketch there (which I'm not sure i'll do)!!!!!
I got your email about next Saturday and I'm coming! Yepeee!
Hi Laura, thank you - my daughters are lovely, but don't look an awful lot like me... remember I select photos very carefully for display on FB!
Thanks Joan - I'm slowly getting braver hauling out the sketchbook in strange places!
Rhonda, got a bit of a crick in the neck there at the shampoo bowl, but they did leave me for a while to do my own thing :)
Charlene, Frank, Marie, Shalini, thanks so much, I'm glad you see a style, I often wonder about that!
Cousin Cathy in Cape Town!! Hello and so nice to see you pop up here in my virtual world! Hope to see you again for real sometime :)
And Cathy in Pretoria - Yippee, you're coming to the sketchday! - look forward to meeting you and hopefully the first of many sketchdays, yay!
What fun sketches...only you can pull them off so successfully! And that beautiful daughter..I wouldn't mind having that stunning head of hair!
good luck on your workshop...I'm itching to peek and see....wish I could be a fly..
Fantastic work, Cathy :)
I love the sketches and seeing that it's no different in the hair salons here.
I have always hated my hair and every haircut I have ever gotten. So has my mom. It must be genetic.
Good luck with your class. I can't wait to see some of your BIG work. :)
An absolute brilliant slice of life! And love your daughter's hair colour.
Oh, I absolutely LOVE these! They're wonderful--they totally give the viewer that experience. Great job!
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