After looking at
Adam's lovely drawings of his children, I decided to have a scratch around in my 'files' to look for the very few sketches I did of my children, way back when. They are faded and yellowing and I swear it was just the other day I drew them! These are of my son at 4 months and just 3, watching TV and eating breakfast - as Adam says, one of the few times, besides sleeping, that they are still enough to capture on paper. I didn't ever draw my eldest and first as a baby - I think I spent most of her babyhood just staring at her in awe. I know there's one somewhere of our baby 2nd daughter, and a few of them a bit older - I'll have to keep on scratching.
hello cathy
lovely drawings, especailly the composition of the double kids squatting. what impressses me is tha they don't have any 'panic' to them, as if you had all the time in the world to draw them.
re-yellowing - it's probably that you used paper with high chlorine/bleach/acid content. try & get acid-free if poss. also avoid long exposure to sunlight. i also have the impression that the post-production of these jpegs is too 'crunched' ie over exposed in an effort to make the white of the paper look white, the yellow of the mid tones now look 'burnt', sharpened & without any subtle gradients of tonality. got photoshop? best way to get rid of colour cast to white of paper is greyscale=>levels midtones & white tones (but never the dark tones)
work from photographs & memory? would that get too nostalgic?
hi Adam
yes, I did use just cheapish sketchbook paper, but they haven't been exposed to light at all... I did fiddle around with the jpegs trying to make them 'cleaner' - i use corel photopaint, but have photoshop too - will try your tips, thanks.
Working from photographs isn't my favourite - get too stiff, but in Joburg is sometimes necessary - not the safest place to go 'en plein air' -and memories - ah, do make me a bit mopey! My most pressing job now is to clean my studio and start afresh
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