Half our sitting room has been taken over by a wedding dress, designed and made for a friend by my eldest daughter (
the one now in Dubai) and which is now being beaded by her sister, Alexandra. She hardly ever sits around long enough for me to draw her, so I took advantage of her relative stillness to do a quick sketch - ignoring the grumbles - I'm sure one day she'll be glad her mother insisted on immortalising her for posterity!

The dress - actually a coat to go over a simple silk slip - is looking beautiful. It will be travelling to Canada for the wedding. I am starting to get jittery that it will be all finished in time, but am - very slowly - learning to zip my lip, trust that my children are adults and know what they're doing and will in fact get the job done without my twittering on the sidelines!
That picture of Andra makes me so homesick for a cuppa tea at the Gats. It also makes my back and eyes ache!
Goodness me - what beautiful work - done with such dedication and commitment - must be a special friend!
Well, they are getting paid for it too...it's a friend of Doms' sister, actually - not entirely a work of love!
What a beautiful dress and even getting paid it's still a nice thing for them to do. I can't imagine doing all that bead work....the friend must be very special.
I was so enamoured with the bead work I forgot to mention the great sketch. I'm sure she'll love it later... my son is the same way about me skething him
thanks for the visit to my blog, and sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, life is a LEEEETLE hectic! I'm so glad you visited, because i have really enjoyed going over your recent posts, and will delve deeper when time permits. In the meantime, glad to meet you and tell your daughter I am GOBSMACKED by how stunning that dress is! And your sketch of her is great too!
This is such a lovely drawing of your daugther, and the coat looks exquisite! I hope we'll get to see some pics of the wedding afterwards? Good luck!
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