Our firstborn 'little' daughter left for Dubai yesterday, to start a new, amazingly grown-up sounding job as supervisor in a couture design studio. It's strange how when they're at home for any length of time, at the great age of 26/7, you start muttering about how they should really be independent and leading their own lives... and when they DO, all you can think of is this small, delicate, innocent child that (surely) badly needs your protection, and advice, and constant presence to show them the ropes. BUT, I really know it will be good, and she will be a better more rounded person for it, and she's way, way braver than I ever was... Bon Voyage, little Pie!!!
You have such wonderful work on your blog Cathy...glad I found you through your comment you left...
They grow up way too fast, I wish I could manipulate time as it suited me, but then I can also just imagine the disaster...as long as they just remember which road leads to home.
Best of luck to the little traveller and the worriers back home. She has such talent and life and ability and deserves this chance to shine. Hooray for Emirates Airline.
So Dom's in Dubai! What an exciting adventure. I look forward to hearing her news. The sketches of little Pie at various ages bring waves of nostalgia. I love all three of them, but the colour one, showing off those eyes - really brought back a moment in time for me!! Best wishes and as always - our prayers are with her!
Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers - so far she's feeling all alone in the mid-east, but sure she'll make some friends soon.
Oh....... such beautiful evocative drawings.
sooo hard to let them go - I know exactly what you mean. Your sketches of her are beautiful - the expressions and moments you've captured - amazing! best wishes to her on her journey.
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