It's interesting to see today's Making a Mark post about mechanical and optical aids... I find myself feeling irritated and tense when sketching from photos, though they are definitely a useful tool when trying to remember features of a landscape, for instance - as long as I don't follow them too slavishly.

This sketch of Gucci (excuse the undignified pose!) that I did quickly after messing up the Fabriano was much more enjoyable, and I think is a lot more expressive in line and character. So - conclusion, I think drawing from life is my thing. I'll be happy to leave the photo-realism to others - for now, anyway. (I tend to make sweeping statements one week and back-peddle on them the next)
The sleeping beauties are lovely but I do love the loose expressiveness of the last drawing.
I have been relying too much on photographs for my drawing and this post has reminded me to start looking around me ...step away from the screen..:)
Yes Janie, I think one does lose confidence in drawing freely if you start making a habit of relying on photos - to me it feels more like a chore drawing from them. I'm almost always happier with real life process and results.
The slightly off proportion doesn't bother me a bit... it's a very nice sketch. Also, thanks for the link to the accordian fold instructions. I had to make one right away though I haven't used it yet.
And thank's for stopping by my blog
When Vonnie was on the dance team, the girls all made each other little accordion photo/memory folders. I'll have to go and find hers and look how it was done. Slightly differently, the paper folding in a diamond shape angle - great for a little gift idea. Perhaps I should take photos of it and share it... I don't know if it would work for watercolour paper being so much thicker... Anyhooo - love your Gucci & Kenzo sketches. Makes me miss Lily...
Ja, do share it - I am making a memory thing for Nigel&Wendy from the whole of St.P's - need all the inspiration I can get!
Great sketching in both, but I love the second one with its free lines...it has so much movement and like Janie said, beautiful loose expressiveness! I too enjoy the spontaneity that comes from drawing from life..
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