I finally finished the right hand side of these sketch journal pages yesterday - I blogged
about the left page in November last year, and when I noticed the little yellow birds back, busily darting around the garden and little green globes starting to form at the ends of bare branches, knew it was time to get this double page done. As Gillian (good and loyal sister) noticed in her comment on 'Walking the Talk again', things are coming around for the second time... which means... tomorrow is this blog's first birthday! I promise not to rehash last year and cover the same subjects all again, but the Walk, and the Weavers alerted me to the fact that I've gone full circle and kept this going for a whole year - wow! I'm trying to think up an appropriate celebratory subject to paint or sketch for tomorrow, and some sage words to impart, but really, I'm just quite chuffed!
Personally I find great comfort in the familiarity and expectation of natural life cycles. So I'm happy to see and hear about the weaver birds back in your garden again! Because of the heat we don't see much critter activity now. The birds and squirrels are quietly resting in the shade somewhere. I'll have to draw SOMETHING today in celebration of your ONE year anniversary of your blog - the blog that got our creative juices flowing...!
Happy birthday, blog. And I hope for many more wonderful pages to brighten my days. Super, Cath!
About to catch plane, must runnn.
A happy first blogyear to you Cathy..so glad I "met you". Me too, I hope we'll fall upon a date where we can share a cuppa over some arttalk! You beat me to seeing the award...I posted and then went off to prepare dinner,planning to write you a little later, but I'm happy you saw it. There is no pressure to pass it on if you don't want to.
I always enjoy dropping by and find some inspiration here, like this nature post and your previous walk post, as well as that lovely bouquet post, filled with glorious colour!
Love this spread. I lived in Pretoria, RSA in the early nineties and I was always fascinated with the weaver's nests in our back yard. It was amazing to actually live something out of a nature documentary. Thanks for sharing this and reminding me of some very fond memories!
Yes, I'm happy to see them back too, Gillian - some of the birds seem a bit confused about when to come and go - look forward to your next drawing, whenever you can do it...
Thanks Vivienne! You have been having a whale of a time over there! - is the plane going home now?
Thanks Lin - and for the visit.
And Ronell - yes, I jumped the gun with my blog widget that tells me as soon as someone has put up a new post - thanks again, will put it on the blog today!
Welcome, Elizabeth - yes we sometimes take for granted the little Nat.Geog wonders in our gardens - glad it brought back good memories :-)
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