Julie Oakley led me to this at
The Portrait Party, where this Valentine's month it's
self-portraits and 'learning to love yourself' that are the challenge! I was tempted, like Julie, to use an older, gentler photo to draw from but decided I'd get to grips, as she did later too, with my 53 year old face.

My first attempt, that I was quite pleased with even though I
overdid the wrinkles rather - I felt it showed a wicked-witchy, mischievous side that I don't think many people know about me...

but I knew the proportions were 'off' and I couldn't work out where, so I traced the reference photo in Coreldraw and laid the tracing over my drawing - ! - below the eyes, it was way, way off. I really didn't like the way the tracing looked! (I think I saw this method of self-correction used by
Jeannette Jobson on her blog a while ago but can't find the exact link now)

Adding tone, line and wash - with Karisma very soft Graphite Aquarelle - improved matters and it does look more accurately like me, but is that the total point? I think I prefer the witchy one.
(Now I feel like I've hung all my laundry up on a very public line to dry!!)
While the last drawing may be more anatomically correct, I think the first one does have more life and pizazz to it. Great job on both, though. I always struggle with proportions too.
So, although you're obviously a super nice person you have a wicked, witchy streak? That's good... keeps things interesting!
Doesn't everyone Teresa ;) - I submitted the second one to the P.P. after my son said the first one looked 'Chubby Cheese'! They know how to stamp on your Achilles heel!
You look fine - and the first one is wicked - in all sense of the word! ;)
You are beautiful, and very brave. I agree with Teresa, both are great, the first one has a little more 'spunk' and I like the technique for checking proportions!
Both are great portraits, but I do like the bit witchy one - it shows some spirit even if it may not be perfectly correct. And gosh, you don't have to worry about your 53-year-old self - you look great!
Interesting method of correction--it's so hard to get everything in the right place; weird since we look at faces all out lives!
I like the tilt of the head and the hint of a smile ...
Self-portraiture must be one of the hardest things to do, but you've done such a fine job!
I think both are great Cathy, the first all mischievious, but the second one has a softer, more serene feel to it.
Its such fun doing self portraits. I just love doing it and the subject rarely complains about them! :)
These are fabulous Cathy and both very likeable for different reasons. I think the first brings out the mischievous side which is fun. The second, the side you present to the world more often perhaps.
I find that each self portrait that I do looks entirely different from the previous one.
Hi Cathy
My first visit here..I find your drawings quite charming. will sure visit again.
I've been thinking of doing more self-portraits... you're an inspiration. I like your method of finding the corrections. Nice work.
They are fascinating, Cath. I don't know whether I have seen a self portrait of yours before. The second one is more representative of the sister I know and love .. the first one more interesting and lively. I suspect it is in the correcting and tightening up that the liveliness went a bit. Would love to see a combination.XXX
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