Thursday, November 1, 2018

Can you do the Canna, can!

Is anyone still out there? It's been another long time since I've been here on the blog, and no excuses, but back with an intention to post more regularly, even if just for my own documentation.

I've been trying to find the pure pleasure of drawing and painting again - after far too long of producing work to order, that seems to have gone by the wayside a bit. I think less writing, which takes me longer and longer, and more artwork is the key to keeping up.

These drawings I made when I had a problem with my left eye recently, which was frightening to say the least. After months of fussing about what to draw, what to paint, when, how and why... when faced with an actual threat to my ability to do so, I just sat down and drew what was in front of me, a desiccated canna flower on my studio windowsill. I resisted doing Inktober again, as a pressure I wasn't feeling up to, but got out my Indian ink, watercolours, and the dregs of my morning coffee to make these. My eye is OK again, thankfully, after a small op, but a lesson was quickly learnt - less pondering, more action. Seems obvious doesn't it!?


  1. So glad your vision issue was resolved! I suffered a threat to my vision in one eye, from shingles, this summer and it surely made me sit up and take notice. I'm looking forward to more regular posts, I always enjoy yours!

  2. Eye problems are scary, aren't they? Very pleased you've fixed yours.
    And I live these O'Keefish swirls!

  3. Happy to hear your good news, Cathy! Your work is lovely. Please put your health first. Without it, we cannot work on drawing and painting. Take care and enjoy your life fully. Best wishes, Sadami

  4. I'm still here and enjoying your art and posts, whenever you want to post them! Relieved to hear your eye has recovered. Take care, and remember that the act of drawing is far more important than the subject matter.

    - Tina

  5. Thanks Sheryl C - shingles is really horrible, and scary near the eye, glad you recovered with vision intact

    Thank you Dinah, yes, very grateful and a bit ashamed to moan about a relatively minor problem when some have very major ones!

    Thanks Sadami - health issues make you realise how important the creative ones are to you, I know you've had more than your share

    Thanks Tina, sometimes it takes a bit of a fright to stop obsessing and just do it!!

  6. First, so glad your eye issue has cleared up with some help and it won’t affect your sight. Second, OMG, these are gorgeous!!!! The colors you played with and the shapes and values make then all frame-worthy to me. Well done, you, and welcome back :). Now go draw/paint something :) hee hee

  7. Thanks so much Rhonda - will do that! :D
